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The Santa Maria Times from Santa Maria, California • 2

The Santa Maria Times from Santa Maria, California • 2

Santa Maria, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SOUTH SIDE ITEMS- Our Correspondent Talks Politics Other Gossip. SOME WILD PLAKTS Worthy cf a Favorite Place in Lawns and Gardens. THB GEEAMLRY IS BONMIJSQ ltd Directors Pleased. Wiokson Pays the Mechanics a Compliment- SANTA. MARIA TIMES PUBUWU Every Saturday, Onr Many of our indigenous plants unfolding their charms only to the wild sea or on the lonely mountain side arc well worthy of introduction into our gardens, where tliev would prove interesting and beautiful and withal hardy associates of their pedigreed and petted sisters.

If we lived in the eastern states, we would display our Led of Gschscholt-zias to our friends with great pride and probably very sadly mispronounce When the Swiss undertake anything they make it a go, even though a Yankee machine is quircd to run if. Only a lew months ago our local dairymen con-eluded that the time had omne for Times: I herewith subm abandon the old ati rneth- and try some more economical llan, and to-day they have in aclu. operation, one of the largest and MH heat equipped dairies on the coast, 8EALL ItljjMt is Quits Ably Presented By Ou Local Somjer. views concerning of the town of Santa You all know that I am property owner In town; 1 sure I should tkii Co. my cnrporating Maria.

not a hot then. am antteitinua for S.ota Mari well- fare as any one who trades in te town and owns property even so re GENES AL NEW 8 ITEMS. And Tickings Of tbe Wire Condensed For the Times Busy Beaders- Lukeport is now a dry townt alt the saloons having been closed. Dvid A. Wells estimates the nations losses during the panie last summer at $1,000,000,000.

The Union Pacific announces its intention of cutting rates between the Mi-Miurl river and North Pacific Const points. There is a prospect that the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe will adjust their differences. There are about 100 cases of smallpox in the pest-tiouces in Chicago. A 30-foot vein of gold and copper was recently struck at Prince Station S. D.

There was a decrease of $3 per mile in the net earnings of the railroads of 'he country the past year. A syndicate of English capitalists has bought the Fike gold mine near Black Hawk, fur The Supreme Coart of tbe United States will take tbe usual spring recess from Monday, Feb. 5lh. to March 5th. The State of Mississippi is proposing to discontinuo the penitentiary lease system and to establish a farm on which Its convicts will be employed.

tnoie as fift mites away. Ii is I rjvej jn ga(a Maria on Wednesday mrelv to the interest of ihe sur fturei.v I i hnntd i evening and, accompanied by a founding count! lithe town should prosper. Santa Maria is favorably Times representative, paid Ihe new situated in the center of a go al a-'' creamery a visit on Thursday, ricullural country and I can not see gpeaRjnj nf the new creamery, Mr. why the town could no put on Its stated that they had fully Hue metropolitan clothes ol nice walks, decent and healthful, realized ths importance of putting military system, police regulation in a first class plant here, as it was and public wstjrworks. The chang- 1o marjj a ew era the dairy in-el appearance in thrift and neatness' this section, and our gen- would, ll-elf, enhance the value of oral good, and his future business town property to justify the move, i Mini the stranger would remark, aa interests here depend erv lirgely lie strolled along our walks, tnat they were a decided contrast to the upon the success of the Gilt Edge creamery.

CHINESE NEW YEAR. Tbe Past Week Has Been One of Feasting And Hilarity. As the Chinese have concluded to register and remain with it may prove interesting as well as some benefit, lo study their customs and peeulint i (e. Tlte past week iia been one of ret, visiting and feasting, for all Chinamen who could afford it. In the large cities their preparations are very elabo-Hte, while in Santa Maria they are comparnti ely meager, although a whole smiled liberality is di-played by giving to all their lady acquaintances a China lily, the sacred Sliuey Seen Fall the flower of the water fairy hIso by distributing sacks of nut, candies, crystalized fruits, among tlieir customer and by giving every little boy or girl caller during the week, a liberal supply of sweet meats.

Sang Tov spent the week here with Ilia brother, and the table in the front room of tlieir wash house never lacked for something good to eat, drink, smoke or strell of. The burning of firecrackers announced the arrival of the new year on Sunday night last at 12 oclock. China New Year always comes between January 21 and February 19th, at tiie first new moon after tiie sun enters Aquarius. Firecracker are supposed to drive away evil spirits that have gatiiered about the place during tiie year. An account of tbi only holiday a Chinaman lias, would be incomplete without a notice of the SRcied lily legend which says that once there lived in China, two brothers; the elder inliptifed the greater part of the parental domain and seized most of hi brothers part, leaving only a marsh nnd a stony, pebbly patch upon which nothing would grow.

After vears of patience the younger brother broke down from hunger ami lay upon the ground erving. Suddenly he wa amused by a sweet voice calling him by name, nnd looking up he saw a fsirv who bade him arise, saying, Thy patience nnd forbearance have been seen by tbe god anil now there is a rich reward for (Item and told him to dig, where hi lieml hail lain. He did, and after several days lie found a 1 il bulb which im t-lanted and it grew to be a flower, fairer nnd sweeter tlian nil other and strange sav, it would grow no whete else in Chinn Thousands came to buy the Shuev Seen Fall and the owner became verv rich. UP THE B0AD. The Track to be Completed Through the Tunnels This Month.

All along tiie line, from here to San Luis Obispo, everybody is talking rail road. Tlio-e interested in prop erty not on the beach arj sure that tlieS. P. Railway will extend its line south from San Luis, via the P. C.

Ry. while those on the water front say there is no possible exit for this great overland route except via the coast survey. One thing is settled. San Luis Obispo is going to have all rail connections with Frisco and the rest of the world in the near future. The tunnels are all to be completed and track biid through them before the end of the present month.

Hundreds of graders are at work within the town limits. The sone work of the culvert is all completed to the point where tlte S. P. line touches the narrow gauge on he south side of town. Supt.

C. O. Johnson of the P. Ry. informed a Times tepresentali ve that arrangements are now being made In complete connections at this point in time to handle Ihi years crop of fruits, vegetables and other perishable freight along the line of the narrow gunge.

Hotel Rflmora has enjoyed a liberal patronage nf late, among the noie.l guests are a goodly number of S. P. official who continue to Cume ami go and give evasive answer to all questions concerning tlte route south from thi point. McHenry of lie Commercial lta bis full share of both transient and steady boarders. He ha n-t completed a new, two story wing, fitting it tip for sleeping apartments, which are full and lie still need tnoie rooms.

The Laugherv House is also having a good run. The Commercial Bank reports a goo I business nnd new deposit coming in lielv. They are loaning money right along now, same as of old, to till old customers, and also to now one-who fnrni-h the tight kind of proof that they are on a solid foundation. A talk with teal estate men reveals the fact that the entire countrv is suffering frorr the effects of lie financial depression, since good bargain are more numerous now than for years before and the taker are few ami tdiy. However, money is being piled up for investment in the gap a soon ms the 8.

P. route is definitely located and we liHve every reason to expect lively time here soon. GABEY AND ViCiNli Y. Some Important Changes in the Survey Have Been Made. A Times representative paid Gaiev and vicinity a visit on Sunday last.

Tlte business bouses were all and Ihe inference was that the people were all at church but a visit tu the school house proved that to be closed Also. Mr. Garey was found at home and, as a chicken was preparing, lie temptation was irresistible mid there was nothing left to do but creute a good appetite by a stroll among lie orchards and nurseries. Mr. T.

A. Garey ha been identified witli tlte fruit industry on this coast for over thirty years and for the past five year ha been putting itis garnered knowledge to prar tical use in Ida extensive nurseries and orchards at thi place. He has a hundred acres in orchard here, a poition of which will be in bearing Ibis year. His nursery interests have run into tlte hundreds of thousands every year ami many of tlte young orchard of ttiis valley, just coming into bearing, originated in his nurseries. He was first to urge onr people to plant nothing lint trees grown upon peaclt roots in our valley soils, and some of our growers owe their success to thi advise.

Nearly 200.000 of Mr. Gareys trees came to thi valley from Los Angeles county the same year that he came here, hut lie lias returned the compliment by sending them a million or more trees fioni here. Mr. Gaiev finds that he lias hi hand full, with bis orchard and other icisines and has decided to dispose of hi. entiie nursery stnek an-1 go out ol the business.

Hi half interest in the Gaiev town site is also for sale and lie will henceforth devote hi time to his vcchards and land business. A glance at lie new map of the G.uev Bralev tract shows that some important change have recently been made. Bv lie new survey the villa tracts adjoining lie townsight were made larger and tnanv of them extend into the valley, thus affording an op-poitunitv to get water at nn easy depth and to build on the tuwnsite level These are nil desirable tracts and some day will be very valuable. The unusually ensv terms on which land can be obtained in this tract will undoubtedly cause it to be settled tip in advance of any of the iet of tbe valley and the developments which will naturally follow arid make a home in this tract it most profitable investment. THE CITY BAEEEY, Wheat.

Rye nnd Brovvu breads. Cakes. R'es etc. 26 loaves of bread at the bakery or 2-t delivered for.Jl. X)yAll kinds of bnkinir done to order.

Old Fleisher Building, Main St. A. PEDRONI. Prop'r Santa Maria old creaky boards that were once bere and the improvement Would appreciate the value of Santa Maria property In hiseyes. Old Conserva- tive, steps up and says, Young them as most people do; we would point to our Nemopliilas, our Collin-sias, our Argemones, perhaps our C.ilochorlus Lilies and vouch safe the information that lie iiappy Californians have lie beautiful things growing wild in their door yards.

But here they are all about ns and so much does familiarity breed contempt, that we seek them not ami scarcely know that they are beautiful. We have many bulbous plants, annuals, and shrubs which should be choice garden favorites. It is with the shrubs and small trees I shall occupy myself in this paper. There are several shrubs known as Wihl Lilac on the bushy slopes of the foot hill- and mountains near us. The one most common is a variety of the Ceanotlius ciineatus.

It is beginning to blontu now and will continue to do so for two months or more. Tiie shrub under favorable circumstances becomes five or six feet high and forms around head. It opens a profusion of daintv lavender tinted flowers; tha( leaves are small and vcinv. It may ie found in Pine Grove, Cat Canyon, ou the Suey and on Pt. Sal mountain.

Another beautiful Ceanothns grows on this slope of the Pi. Sal juntain and I think near Los Berro. It i the C. impresu. The leaves are small ami dark and the flowers are very blue ami beautiful.

There are one or two tnoie species of Ceanoliui in mtr neighborhood ami six or eight in the county. They are all heautiud and worthy ol cultivation. The Lol-lon or California Holly, in other words the Heleromeles arbnlifolia has eiery qualification for a garden slmiti and seteral more besides. The shrub, if well treated, becomes a tree twenty feet high or more. The leaves are of attractive form and texture ant! are evergreen; the gteat panicles of white fiovveis followed at Christmas time by the bright ted benies make of it an indigenous blessing not in the least disguised hut very much neglected.

i da capacity being 4,000 cows, Mr. Q. G. Wiokson, of the firm of vYh'kson C. of San Francisco, nr- He said that he had taken unusu- pains in drafting the plans for the building and hoped the contractors had followed them closely.

He also (stated tit it all the machinery was and was fitted so that its operation are as as can be new creamery greeted liv shake and worirs liko a once proceeded by belting on all the ms-little engine running for steady motion steam. Mr. it would riayf of his adjustment of examination of Wickson cont mot construct a better plant, ors had proven themselves mechanics by their dose conformity to the plans and specifications and that men and money could scarcely The machinery xvas not nil iti readiness the fore part of the week, and they dtri not start up until Wednesday morning when 5,000 ol were received anti separated in a little more than an master man: who is going to pay the taxes fir all this? Dont you know that MUcb a move would increase taxation? Now that is Just what I wanted you to say, my dear sir, bemuse from the way you were expanding with indignation at my remarks you would have bu rated if hadn't, and then it sounds mm like business to discuss the suojeut from that standpoint. The code gives the right jand selling in motion to incorporate and in so doing it ex- chicory at once. The the latest improved expressly for this pilot, construction, ami substantial and economical found.

Upon arriving at the Mr. Wi-kson was his men with a hearty the ev 1 im ition, She charm! And they at to prove the assertion empts all those within the incorporated limits from paying county road tax and road poll tax. Now then, suppose Santa Marta had incorporated five years ago with the nvnwed purpose of collecting the amount equal to the road and road pill tax which you have had to anyway and placed it in a reserve 1 tho Mr. fund not to bo touched for five years, that the worked away as though pastime, keeping np a and a fuil head of Winter, the machinist said require about two more time to complete the the machinery-. After 9.

thorough For sale: A two year old Durham and Holstein bull. Call on Dan Smith. NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern. and Eu.

Times: You have received no items from South Side lately, not on account of tho scarcity of news hut for the lack of time to write it, besides the Times is so well filled with news and otliet interesting matter from aider pens that we scarcely feel like writing. Itcibt. Kail with blood in his eye was looking for the party or parlies that stole some grain from him in Itis absence one day last week but was unable to find the guilty parties, owing to the fact that he had sold tho barley and bad forgotten it. Report says Mr. Root and his son George, for two years residents ol South Side hut now of Cuyama are well satisfied with their prospects there and are preptring lo go into hog raising quite extensively soon.

May success attend them. B. T. Wiley Iih9 his grain in and his orchard in good shape, ready for a heavy crop of fruit. Howerton Bros, were here last week, shelling corn for the Nicholson Bros, on their Prohibition Heights farm.

Ed More was here the first tiny wf the wek getting some grain to sow for fodder for his bees. Ed is satisfied Ira lias struck the business he has heen looking for at last, a business that will pay a larger per cent profit on the capital invested than any business we know of. J. H. Winters 1ms finished seeding his grain and will now turn his attention to the roads in his district.

Hugh Kelley has finished seeding the Fueler farm here. Trott and Boyd did most of the plowing. Win. McHenry has been up here plowing his fathers farm lately purchased of the Girey Land it being the eighty acres of the tract where the old Suey school house stood. Suey, Highland and Martin Set tools have begun with the same teachers that taught last term.

A good attendance is reported. J. F. Beeson had said lie approv. ed of Ilis Futne-s Grover Cleve-Ittitl-.

recommend ion that the franking privilege allowed to Congressmen and other officials for the free distribution of agricultural seed, he abolished, hut since receiving a package sent him by Marion Cannon he lias changed his mind and thinks now it would be doing the farmers great injustice, but alter planting, when Ihe water melon seeds hring forth citron and the pumpkin seeds produce gourds it is onr opinion he will he convinced of the correctness of his first opinion. List Lords day wv paid a visit to J. Diamond the Ward McAllister of Pine Groves Four Hundred we fiund ihe old man enjoying good health for one so far advanced in years. COUNTRY COUSIN. The KeeSey Institute The only institute for the cure of alcoholism and the opium hnliit in nnthern Califoroin i- located at Riverside.

Ail others, whatever called and wherever located nre mere imitations The Keeley treatment has been in nee fourteen years, ha cured patients, is endorsed by the Tutted States Government and in use in National Soldier Homes. For information regarding terms, etc. apply to J. L. IlCRLBUT Agent.

dauta Barbara, Cal. Austin Building, Contractors Builders, Proprietors of the Sama Maria Planing Bmd and Scroll Sawingr, Bracket Work and Turning, Mouldings and General Mill Work, Neatly and Promptly done. Water Tanks a Specialty. PLANS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. SANTA MARIA.

CAL. JHe UiancB Hilling COMPANY, Los Alamos, Cal. THE ALLIANCE MILLS Will buy your wheat and baileyr Will grind or roll your barley at reasonable rates. They warrant their flour to be as good as made on the coast. Keep us in mind and give us a Call.

The Alliance Milling Company, Lcs Alamos, Gal. MARTIN, Siipsmtdent. NOTICE. Of Sale of Re I Estate Under Execution. In the Superior Court of the County of Sunt Barbara, State of California, In the matter of the of Lewis St.

Ores deceased. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday the 13th diivof February lJi, at 10 oclock. A. M. of on the Scev Ranch.

-Notice ar posted thv Court Room of said vourt. at ai "uaieu. the Court HoU-e in County of Sauta Barbara have been appointed At time and place for proving the will of Lewia St. Ores deceased, and for hearing the application of John Salisbury for the i.sMiauce to him of letters testameutaig thereon. Bated Januarv 11th.

A. P. 1394. dtiAL Attebt: F. L.

KELLOGG. Clerk. Trees For Sale. I have a few thousand choice trees of differ enl varietur, all budded from bearing tree jd true to name. Those who intend setting out orchards will do well to aee them and con-suit the undersigned regarding prices before purchasing elsewhere.

N. Kane, Sisquoc Nursery FOR JSALE. One hundred head of dairy cows, all graded, Jersey aud Holsteins and stinted to thoroughbreds. Also some graded and thoroughbred bulls and a lot of fine work horses. Apply at tho dairy of E.

W. Steele, Edna P. San Luis Obispo, California. When War Is Declared. Against a mans happiness by bis stomach, the enemy may be pHcitied and brought speed-ily and easily to terms '1 hat patent regulator of digeittion.

Hostetters Stomach Bitter. dU cipiines the rebellions orgau thoroughly. Io-d getioti arises fiom eakueba of the stomach and the food iu it( for want of the power to decomposes aud acidities, giving rtee to heartburn, llatulcuce aud pain, besides multitude of sympioma both changeful and per piexing. Ij'ir peuceoon reieu when the great fctomachlc 1st reported to and ut-ed with pei4-euce. Dspepsia givest ritve te morbid dtacom- foure of mind, and even fcleepleBnese and lvpochoudria iu chronic To complete di.mijal these the Bitters is fuliy adequate.

Liver comptuint. cnustipntiou, debility rheu-menm and nml rin are completely subdued by this genial mediciue. NOTICE. Santa Barbara BUSINESS COLLEGE. Y'oung men and women who desire a sound business training should write for the Santa Barbara Business College Journal.

Tbe College i permanently located iu a handsome new building, and is elegantly furnished. It has a most comprehensive course of ten months. Tbe tution is less than that of other schools. Board and room in proportion. No theory work.

Actual business practice. Its English department with the Friday Morning Exercises is unexcelled. Many excellent features characteristic of this school. E. B.

Hoover, C. D. Hoover. Principal. Secretary Dollars Fly These days, but they can be made to Fly Just Right If you use prudence ia selecting a place at which to buy your groceries, Wasgatts is the place For Bargains in family supplies, and you can do well if you will go there.

On lie Suey Creek grows the Dogwood a variety of Cornus pnbescen whose shapely leaves, red twigs and large cymes of white blossoms invite cultivation. It makes a slender tree, ten to fifteen feet high, blooming in February May and March. Unlike all the foregoiug. it diops its leaves in A iitu n. From midsummer on to Autumn, Class In Oil Fainting.

Lessons given in oil -paint-ino, by Js. Stearns, at Lucas' Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday and Saturday of each, ivcck. 2'ou can join the class at any time. JLGS. ST3AGJ1S.

Teacher. Stokes Judge will look after your horses if you take them to his Stables You can find no better place where your horses will be better Judge Stokes cared for than stablec in Guadalupe He invites you to call. Satisfaction Guarateed. hour. The milk from the variou-rauches was tested separately mid the amount of butter fat with which they were credited whs entirely satisfactory, being at least ten per cent more than they were saving by the pan method, Miltc Iroin the G.

R. inter dairy showed the highest test. The first hutch of cream was churned yesterday and will be shipped to-day, via steamer to Ihe dairymens union of San Francisco. Mr. 8.

Ciimpndnnico is agent for Wickson creamery cans for delivering milk and all dairymen can secure cans ot him at wholesale rates. Messrs Wui. Mead, J. C. Bioetii, and J.

W. Kelley weie in town Thursday purchasing ft creamery team and wagon for delivering hut ter at the depot. Any one who desires can take sample of milk to the creamery and have it tested free. McMillan the photographer was down yesterday, photographing he buildings ami machinery. Tnese views will be stereotyped and used by the Times in Illustrating a Special Creamery Number which we will i-sue in the ne.u future.

This special issue of the Times will contain, besides exhaustive data concerning the dairy industry of this section, a valuable article oil modern creameries; also a statement of our fruit ami New York and San Francisco, farming industries and many other sold at $1 per number, the work be-items of public importance and not" iog completed in thirty number. on brushy hill sides or steep brook banks, trailing its long Hexuous arms and red and yellow trumpets over the liomelv plebeian folk about it, blooms the Pentstemon eordifulins. It is pnpularlv hut improperly known as Wild Iloneymckle. This is also deciduous hut is one of our nio-t attractive summer blooming shrubs. I lie Luptoyne gigantea, a strange plant growing at Pt.

Sal, if it can' he made to do well so far from the sea, will sometime he a great favorite. It sends up in the course of years a the straight, I hick, branchless trunk Inch hears at the top a large bunch of leaves and nnmeious heads of bright flowers somewhat resembling the yellow Marguerite but much larger and handsomer. The trunk and foliage have a strong odor of turpentine. Ida M. Blochman.

Picturesque California. This work, now being offered in portfolios at 10 cents each by th San Francisco Evening Bulletin is one of the grainiest art publication ever issued in America. There are over 700 illustrations in (he complete work, all of them from original paintings, drawing and etchings by the most fatuous artists in the country. The work is edited by John Muir, anti when originally published by lie J. Dewing Company of was Ii! Fcsk? ffeta WeeHu Cferlaai Iicnrsioas.

If you are going East it will be to your advantage to wiitc to or call on iht undersigned befoie arranging for jour trip. The Santa Fe Route offers advantages for a safe and pleasant journey overland, unsurpassed by any other line. Tourist Sleeping Cars from either San Franci-co or Lo Angeles through to Chic ago, dmlv without change. Drop me a line and I will take pleasure in gi' ing you lull information as to rates, etc. O.

W. Maulsby. Agent. Santa 'Maria, Cal. Trotting Horse THIS TIME IT IS MY STOCK OF The Hard Times Hit Them Hard; But ihe shoes werent hurt? Only They Are Now Cheaper Than Ever.

M. PIRES, Opposite Bryant Trotts Store. SULTAN JR. Will make tbe present season at Santa Maria and Guadalupe DESCRIPTION and PF.DIGREE Sultan Jr. is a dapple black, eight year.

old. 16J.J hands high, with heavy bone, very deep through the hear, aud chest, round barrel, fine form and symmetry. good style and action, weight 1600 lbs. Sultan Jr. was sired by Snitaii 1541, Vol.

II, Nt R. F. D. H. Dam hy Black King 8t, Vol.

N. R. F. D. H.

Her dam by a Percheron Norman. Terms for SeasonS 10 To Insure $15. (Payable Within ihe Season. SEASON COMMENCES Feb. 1st, ends June 1st.

H. BONETTI. Owner. what a handsome stun you would had now with which to im. prove the town! If there were 500 wlm pay mad and poll tax and that lax amounts to no more than ijl.ttO apiece annually you would have $2,000 a sum total of $10,000 in live years.

There you are with $10,000 for simply' availing yourself of the yrivi Jeg allow eu you by the State oi California. Supposing you had 't $5,000 during the five years, still have $5,000 left for ny, street lamps and the town would economically andn power to tax you to death, vile with an over dose of taxation let me inform you the law limits the tax rate to 65cts on the $100 and if you are afraid of to high tax under 65cts you had better eleet property owners fr trustees who, like you mil would nut favor high taxation. If you would nut be content with that amount of money, and levied a le ense tax, you might soon be able to afford a water system. Lompocs assessed rate in 1891 was 30 els ou the $100 and they had at the time a $15,000 water supply. Of course I am discussing incorporation from my side ot the question and if there are good reasons for not incorporating I would like to hear them.

Now my friend just go home and dream that Santa Mriais a little city, protected from toughs, fire and ridicule and come around next week and W6 wilt discuss the subject some more. A. M. POWELIi. Irrigation is the life of all southern California ami without it there is comparatively no life.

The sooner we realize the force of this proposition "the better fur us ami our country. It is sure to come sometime but now is when it is most needed. There are funds available now for developing an irrigating system in this valley, provided a sufficient number of irrigators can lie found who will use the water at a very low rate compared with what i paid elsewhere. The price of an article does not always represent its value but the Arena for February is about worth the price of its yearly subscription. No oilier publication has ever won the hearts of thinking people so quickly, or pottrayed the condition of the human family more vividly than has the Arena.

The Midwinter number for February strikes at all departments of life, and hits them hard. There are more noted women and pretty pnze babies, pictured and noted Deinorests Family Magazine for February than were ever before presented to the public in a single issue. This, together with the usual large amount of dress gossip, spring styles, etc, and a great deal oi high toned literature makes the February number much eougnt after. The Overland is to the west, what Harpers Monthly is to the east: It is a publication we are all proud of and it Is hero to stay and do everyone good who reads it. It is a false idea (hat none but college bred people read magazines.

All sensible people appreciate good literature and that is wliy the Overland is so universally popular. In spite of the sweeping reduction in price, the Cosmopolitan continues to grow in Usefulness and lias added to its many attractions a famous European author whom it introduces to its February leader a Valdes of Madrid, and Ihe artist Marotd of Paris, well known as a Fiench illustrator. Among the manv assurances that the Southern Pacific intends to put the bulk of its business on the coast route as soon ss the gap is closed, is the silent one that the branch roads ltetween Santa Barbara and Saugus, is being carefully ballasted. The Ojai- Nice Covamibias, formerly a sheriff of this county, and now a resident of Lm Angeles, is said be a candidate for tJ. S.

marshal for the South ru CUlilorui district, THIS SPACE Reserved for the BARTRON MEAT MARKET. For sample portfolio semi 10 cents to the Bulletin Stn Francisco, anti it will be mailed to you. Iuclose this notice. Our Cemetery. Our renders will be glad to learn that the Santa Maria is to henceforth he kept in god order.

All it needed whs some one like Mrs. S. F. Lewi to make ttie move. She started out soliciting the caie of graves at $1.50 each per vent luit nmst per pie pieferred to hae tbe entire lot looked after and voluntarily offered her $5.

per lot which i more than she had thought of asking and yet it is a small item, compared to tho benefits derivet I ami will asist her in keeping the entire cemetery in a respectable condition. She is aiound with her subscription list now and has found none who refuse her requested privileges. She will commence --fork at once. Our renders who aro acquainted with Will Brown, iormerly of this valley, but now in the milk bu-iness at Ran LuiOiiipo, will ba glad to learn that lie i enjoying a eood trade. In conversation witli a Times representative the oilier day lie said lie was selling 85 gallons of milk per day and a good prospect to increase that amount; that hi collections are good anti that he is well pleased with his business.

HANDSOME PRESENTS GIVEN. At San Maria, ngency of Great American Importing Tea Co. Tlieir teas, coffees, spices, baking powder and flavoring extract are without a doubt, the best and cheapest. T. A.

Jones Son agent. Give them a call Judge for yourself. WARNING NOTICE. All persons are hereby forbidden to cami, hunt or trespass upon the rauob known as the Goldtreo tract of the Lnxuua Ranch. Any person or versons violating this warning will be prosecuted to the full extent of the lnw.

MEAD BROS. Props, Registered Jersey Bull RTtONX ECHO, 8t. THE REGISTERED JER AJhey Bull for breeding purposes, will be found at my place three miles southeast of towu Parties from a distance desirlay to leave their cow on my uestnre fora few days cun be ao-cjwnmndatod. Taaw payable at the time cf service- GRAcTbAITLES- less than 5,000 copies trl Luted. will be dis Judge Cooper on Keeley.

Judge Joel P. Cooper of Los Alamo, remembered in Ibis valley as a chronic drunk, is now a well man and stated tc a Times representative the other day that there are now in this county, 82 Keeley graduates and that the leading saloon men of Santa Barbara tell him they are feeling the effects of their reform. He has figured it up and says they could formerly be counted on for at least $1000 per year each, by the saloonB and that they are handling more monev now than ever, but il flows into different channels, so we can begin to realize some of the benefits of the Keeley Cure to the county and general public. Let every drunkard on earth go lo the Keeley Cure. L.

J. McPherson of the Coyama paid tho Times a business call last Wednesday. He was down for supplies and to ship 40 dozen quail to he City. He says that 1500 dozen quail have been killed in that valley during the present season and that many of them were lost on account of warm weather. The McCuichin Bros, hist dozen in one shipment last October.

Mr. McPherson says they propose petitioning the supervisors to change the date of the quail law in this county to open lrter, in order to strike cooler weather and prevent this heavy loss. This is quite a revenue to the Cuyama settlers and they cannot afford to lose it that way, Mr. M. says that Bakersfield people will build a good road to Cuyama thi spring, and then they will have but very little business down tbis way.

Montgomery pike is before the public again this week with an article on woman suffrage. He will talk on tbe income tax theory next week. This is a subject which will call for national legislation sooner or latter, and as Mr. Pike has given the question much study, our readers will find It to their interest to follow him closely in his discussion. You may have different views, but seeing all sides will enable you to know and do the right.

Krause Heauache Capsuls Warranted. Fr sale by W. Jones, Santa Marla. The Cheapet and Best Beer in Town, -A-T? B. T.

BIANCHIS Santa Maria, Cal, (Record 2:29 1-2, (Regulation Track. i WILL MAKE THE PRESENT SEASON AT Lierly Bakers Stables, Santa Maria, SEASON BEGINS, FEBRUARY 1st ENDS JUNE 1st. Terms for the Season $30 To Insure $40. PAYABLE WITHIN SEASON. Fred Hertln.

PI. dome. Adam, and G. Blower, By virtue of execution issued out of the Justice Court of tbe Seveuth Township, County nf daiita Barbara. State of California, wherein Fred Herlluy.

plaintiff, aud James Adam and G. Blosser. defendant, upon a judgement rendered the 4th day of April. 1889, for the turn of 1153.75 lawful money of tbe Uuited State, beside coats and intercut of aid defendant. I have this day levied upon all the right, title claim aud Iniereat of said defendant James Adain, of.

and in and to the following described real elate, to wit: Lots one. two, three aud four in block No. eight, of Cook Division of the Towuof Sauta Maria, in the County of eanta Itarbnrn, Stole of California. Public notice Is hereby given that! will, oti Saturday the 17th day of February, A. D.

191, atl 80 oclock p. of said dav. In front of the Hart House iu tbe Town of Santa Marla, County Of Sauta Barham, State of California, sell at public auction, for lawfnl money of the U. 8.. all the right, title, eloim ami interest of said defendant, James Adam, of.

In and to the above described property, or as mn eh thereof as may be necessary to i alse sufficient to satisfy said 1'idgetnents. with interest and costs, to the highest and best, bidder. MADISON JE8KBK, Constable. H. H.

JESS EE. Pepnty. At Your Service Again! Having re-opened my tin shop lam noiv prepared to do all kinds of work in my line such as tin roofing, copper, sheet iron and all kinds of tin work. Also attention given to repairing pumps pipe fitting and general jobbing. All work guarrntced at possible lowest rates VJBBE5I1 Chafel Street a Santa Maria, ELITE la a coal black, ten years old and stands 16 bands high.

He weighs 1200 pounds and his get are all large. He is fine form, level-headed, intelligent and oomee from blood lines that are noted for qualities of speed and gamenees. Elite was sired by the Great Palo Alio horse, Newhew, whose get are in the charmed circle by the soore. Look at the record of some of his fast relations: Beaury Mao 2:14, Delmarch 2:11, silicip 2 years old etc. Do not triffle with ctdd blood.

Elite traces royal blood through dams and sires innumerable. He is owned here. Belongs here. Is needed here and is here to stay. Go anctfsee this floe animar the first time you are In town and have a talk with hie fsners, uetti Co He.

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